Saturday, April 18, 2009

Scrabble weekend: Scond part: walking around Girona

After going to bed at 4, I start the day at 11. Patxi and Montse are even ready for going out and surprised us with a delicious orange juice recently done and toasts that I take with tomato and oil.

We went to walk around Girona, so Curro can´t say I´d shut him at Patxi and Montse´s house.

We ate at the Tips, that in Catalan means “full” (of being full after eating a lot).

I just loved the place, due the place itself but also… I would like to find those prices in Madrid! We ate quite a lot, I should say.

We went back to their house and Patxi and me played a couple of games more, but while he´s making a coffee, I took the chance to actualize my blog… and just some minutes later, I released that him and Curro are completely sleeping and Montse is watching a film (one of those that you find in t.v. on Saturday´s afternoon)… this is the scene I found:

So, I decided to work on my post! :)

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